We are all women who have, at one point or another experienced directly, or through a friend, the challenges and demands that meet women today.

We are here to support with our professional capacities, as well as in our roles as fellow women who have an understanding of your challenges.

Our support to life related challenges are tailored from a woman's perspective and custom made for each situation.

Contact us today and find out what we can do for you!

Life, Relationship and Dating Coaching

We believe that women generally put very high importance to their relationships with family members, partners and friends. We offer coaching:

  • Improve, save and rekindle relationships
  • Find greater fulfillment in your relationships
  • Improve communication with your partner and family
  • Solve conflicts
  • Get through a divorce
  • Get through grief
  • Get life in order and build your self-confidence
  • Get your dating going and dating 101
  • Get your long due life make over
  • Cope with the demands of Motherhood

Career and Performance Coaching

We see how women often neglect their careers and put their dreams on hold for the sake of the family.

We offer you coaching to: 

  • Get your professional life going, plan and take your next step in your career
  • Manage worklife with parallel demands of being a mother
  • Job hunting
  • Work life balance
  • Fulfill your professional ambitions
  • Set goals and reach them

    Health, Wellbeing, Lifestyle, Fitness and Beauty

    Few women feel fully empowered and satisfied with themselves if they don't feel fit, healthy, beautiful and happy about themselves and their lifestyles.

    We connect you with a network of specialists to adress your needs of wellbeing, lifestyle, health and fitness coaches, nutritionists, beauticians, stylists and when needed plastic surgeons to help you restore your holistic wellbeing so that you can be comfortable in your own skin.

    Legal Advise and Representation in Divorce Processes

    We see that women are often at an disadvantageous situation at a divorce. We connect you with lawyers that will support you:

    • Get legal advise, let your lawyer represent you, and negotiate for you
    • Get help to understand what you sign, and only sign documents and settlements reviewed by your lawyer
    • Educate yourself about divorce
    • Have a lawyer's help with a prenuptial agreement before getting married
    • Get legal advise to handle a custody dispute

      Financial Advise

      and Wealth Management

      We believe women often oversee their financial situation and retirement planning. We connect you with financial specialists who will support you to:

      • Assess your financial situation and prepare for future eventualities 
      • Plan for your retirement and succession
      • Manage your assets with a financial advisor
      • Build financial stability and resilience

      Wherever you stand in life, your financial situation is paramount.

      Within our network we have legal, financial specialists and wealth managers to support with solutions and services that target your needs and help you secure your financial future and the future of your loved ones.

      Areas where our network can support you:

      What feels important to you, is important to us

      Whether your challenge is large or small, whether you are "hanging in there" or need immediate support, you can turn to us and our network of professionals for advice and support. When you contact us we will connect you with professionals within our network who will be able to advice, coach or support you pro bono.

      At one point or another we all need support to deal with our challenges. We have worded a few simplified questions, but there are many more questions that you may be asking yourself.

      What are your questions? Which boxes do you tick?
